At Big Sky Decon, our mission is to protect public health by delivering cleaner, safer environments for homes, businesses, and communities. With everyday interactions exposing us to unseen contaminants and the risk of viral and bacterial infections, our innovative, patented technology leads the fight against these invisible threats. We've developed highly effective products and services to not only protect your family, employees, and customers' mental and physical health but also help businesses save time and money on future inventory needs and labor, providing long-term safety and savings.

Diseases can easily spread through contaminated surfaces and items in our daily environments and communities. Without proper decontamination protocols, these areas can promote the spread of harmful microorganisms, leading to illness outbreaks that can negatively affect families and businesses.
Diseases pose significant public health challenges for various reasons, including their potential for rapid spread, the complexity of controlling and eradicating them, and their broader social and economic impacts.
The use of ozone, chemicals, and foggers for disinfecting bacteria and viruses can have several drawbacks, including potential health and safety risks, environmental impacts, and effectiveness issues.
Big Sky Decon's patented decontamination units and professional decon services are designed to remove harmful microorganisms and foul odors from contaminated objects, items, or areas.
Big Sky Decon's high-intensity UV products destroy the physical structure of DNA and RNA from bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa without using any chemicals. Our products are designed to remove disease-causing organisms from blood, saliva, sweat, fecal matter, smoke, and other routinely infected compounds.
Whether it's your home, business, or vehicle, Big Sky Decon is there to remove any threats. We handle all situations with extraordinary care and provide you peace of mind so you can focus on important things like spending time with your family or growing your business.

当社の消毒ユニットには、有害な微生物をターゲットにし、汚染された物体や表面との接触による病気の蔓延を防ぐ高輝度 UVC ライトが装備されています。紫外線殺菌照射 (UVGI) の使用は病原体を制御する方法として広く認識されており、当社のユニットはこの技術を日用品の消毒に最前線に取り入れています。目的は、微生物疾患の伝播を減らし、個人の安全を確保することです。
病原体とは、生きている宿主に病気を引き起こす可能性のある微生物 (細菌、ウイルス、寄生虫、真菌など) です。それらは動物、植物、人間に感染する可能性があり、さまざまな方法で宿主から宿主へと広がります。
A pathogen is a microorganism (such as a bacterium, virus, parasite, or fungus) that can cause disease or illness in a living host. They can infect animals, plants, and humans, and they spread from one host to another through various ways.
Fast and Effective Solution
Germicidal UV-C Lights
Inactivates Microorganisms and Drugs
Removes Foul Odors
No Harsh Chemicals or Foggers
Environmentally Friendly
Guaranteed Satisfaction
Preserving The Value of Property